“The remnants of writing express a certain nostalgia for what is old, what must be abandoned. A testimony to the analogue era, a foreshadowing of the digital era, where man will no longer use writing.”

Born in 1990, Matthias spent his childhood and his adolescence in Paris. He studied French Philology at the University of Warsaw. Fabre deals mainly with painting, photography and writing. His work is inspired by asemic writings, Japanese calligraphy and the tag, a form of graffiti signature. Fascinated by linguistics and literature, a painting is for Fabre the place where the lines between the writing and the meaning, the form and the content are blurred. In his artworks, Fabre combines abstract expressionism, minimalism and street art.

welcome to matthias’ studio

“The starting point of my paintings is asemic writing taken from the reflections of Rolland Barthes, the French critic and philosopher, and the work of the French painter and poet Henri Michaud, associated with Surrealism. Colloquially referred to as scribbles, asemic writing is an extension of my interest in poetry and, later, concrete poetry, as well as a starting point for my abstract paintings.”

“For me, illegible marks are like ciphers, like street tags that only the initiated can decipher. The remnants of writing express a certain nostalgia for what is old, what must be abandoned. A testimony to the analogue era, a foreshadowing of the digital era, where man will no longer use writing. A writing devoid of signifié is that which is forgotten, illegible like indistinct memories that are slowly fading, it is also aphasia, illegibility, lack of communication and understanding. A request left without any response. To show this profusion of interpretations, the writing drifts, emerges and partly falls into the depths of the image. The vibrating effect is achieved by working with oil pastels on a solid background which, in the process of creating the works, is rubbed off and covered up by thin layers of acrylic paint.”

matthias x BANDA

Dining Area at Townhouse 04 - Leinster Square

Matthias has already collaborated with Banda, crafting bespoke pieces for two townhouses within the iconic 13-19 Leinster Square development in Notting Hill. This collaboration facilitated a dialogue between interior design, architecture, and art, allowing for the creation of new, incredible custom pieces with Matthias.

Study at Townhouse 04 - Leinster Square

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Mattihias Fabbre